Frequently Asked Questions & Competition Rules

What is an online research community?

An online research community is a group of individuals with similar interests, and experiences, who have voluntarily chosen to participate in online research studies about various topics related to their common interests.

What information is required to become a community member?

A brief profile of yourself, obtained through a short survey, is the only information required for joining this community. This information, called your ‘member profile’, will include basic contact information and data such as your gender and age. We will also ask you several questions about your usage of certain categories so that surveys delivered to you are based on relevant criteria. The questions included in the member profile survey ensures a community that is reflective of different customers across demographics and segments. Once you have completed this, we’ll send you a confirmation email.  You must click on the link in the email to complete your registration and become an official AfricanPulse member. It’s only after that that we are able to send you surveys and other activities.

What kind of activities may I expect?

As a member of AfricanPulse you'll be invited to participate in surveys, polls and discussions. You may also be invited to participate in online discussions focus groups and diaries. Log in regularly to check for activities available to you or watch your email and check your SMS’s for invites.

How will I know if there is a survey or activity for me to complete?

We will send you an email or SMS invitation with a link to a survey. All of the surveys that you are eligible to take part in will also be available on the AfricanPulse website once you log in.  Log in regularly to ensure you don’t miss sharing your opinions. 

How do I complete a survey?

You will be emailed or SMSed a unique URL address for each survey you are invited to. Simply click on the URL included in the email / SMS or alternatively cut and paste the address into a web browser of your choice (i.e., Internet Explorer; Chrome, etc) and complete the survey online. If you experience problems accessing or completing a survey, please click on the Technical Support link, or send an e-mail to for assistance.

How long will I have to complete each survey?

You will typically have anywhere from 72 (seventy-two) hours to one week to complete each survey.

How many surveys can I complete?

You can complete as many of the surveys you receive, as you want to! You will however have to complete at least one survey in order to qualify for the lucky draw during a particular month. Lucky draws are monthly unless stipulated otherwise in the Terms and Conditions.

Will I be able to select the types of surveys in which I participate?

We will use the information that you provide to us in the member profile survey to send you invitations to surveys that fit your outlined demographic and relevant category usage information.

How often may I participate in any one survey?

AfricanPulse is a professional online market research community. Our clients rely on us to collect your feedback and deliver accurate results.  Therefore, our surveys are by invitation only, and to ensure the highest standards of professional research, you can complete any given survey only once.

What happens if I don’t participate in surveys?

You don't have to participate in every survey that you receive. If you don't respond, we will contact you later about another survey. If at any time you decide that you don't want to participate in our surveys anymore you may unsubscribe by following the guidelines shared in this document. Please note that, at our discretion, we reserve the right to replace you with a new member should you be inactive, i.e., have not participated in surveys, over a period of time.

How long will I remain a member of the community?

You may remain a member of the AfricanPulse community as long as you choose to participate. Members may remove themselves from the community at any time by logging in to the AfricanPulse website and editing your profile. There you will find the option to unsubscribe. If you’re not able to log in, please send us an email and let us know that you’d like to unsubscribe.  Click here to contact us.

How are the results of the research used and by whom?

The research will be used by brands in various industries in their on-going research.

Will my profile information be sold to other companies?

The information collected by the AfricanPulse community is not sold or distributed to any company. All information is strictly confidential, and privacy is guaranteed. Your name will never be sold, exchanged, or distributed to any other party without your express acknowledgement. Please refer to our Privacy Policy, available from for complete details about what information is collected and how this information is stored and used.

How can I update my personal details?

From click on your user profile icon (found at the top of the screen); then click on ‘Settings’. From here you can:

Add or change your profile picture
Adjust your name or your surname (please note that your full name is visible to members in the hub
Amend your username (you can only select a name which is not already in use in the community)
Adjust your title (this is optional)
Add or adjust your personal biography (this is optional)
You can add a cover (background) image to your profile (this is optional)

Once all changes have been applied, click on ‘Save Change’. To undo your changes, click on ‘Revert’. Please note that you CANNOT change your e-mail address through the community portal. To change your e-mail address, please click on the Technical Support link or send an e-mail to,

How can I set my communication preferences?

From click on ‘Notifications’ at the top of the page; then click on ‘Notifications Settings’ from where you will be able to either enable or disable receiving newsletters and notifications for activities. Once you have selected your preferences, click on ‘Save’.

What if I forget my password?

As a reminder, your password is a minimum of 8 characters, contains at least 1 (one) letter, at least 1 (one) symbol, at least 1 (one) number and both upper and lower-case letters.  Click here to reset your password. We will then email you a secure link via which a new password can be set. You can then use this new password to log into AfricanPulse.

What's in it for me?

AfricanPulse provides an opportunity to have your say and ultimately help brands stay relevant within the market. Your feedback from our research will go towards making real improvements to products and services. You'll also have an opportunity to get entries into our monthly lucky draws by participating. With every activity you participate in, you'll be automatically entered into our monthly lucky draw. We have new prizes up for grabs every month! Read more about our Competition Rules here.

How can I be sure you got my responses?

If you would like to ensure that your responses have been received, you can click on the survey link when you are done. A message stating that you have already completed the survey will appear – this means we have received your answers. 

Who is Maru / Matchbox?

Maru / Matchbox is a global Research Agency that specialises in creating and managing panels and communities. Maru provides the technology platform on which AfricanPulse operates. More information can be found here.

What do I do if I need help?

Please click on the Technical Support link found in the bottom of the community portal, Here you can contact our Technical Support team directly with any queries or general comments. Alternatively, you can also send an e-mail to,

  1. This competition is organised by IQBusiness Insights (Pty) Ltd ("IQB Insights") (hereafter also referred to as the “Promoter”).
  2. All participants opting into the Lucky Draw participation, through their AfricanPulse community membership and completion of surveys, agree to be bound by these Competition Rules, which will be interpreted by the Promoter or its appointed agents in its sole, absolute and unfettered discretion and whose decision regarding any dispute will, subject to any consumer rights under the Consumer Protection Act, be final and binding.
  3. These rules may be amended by reasonable notification at any time, but will remain valid for the current monthly Lucky Draw competition.
  4. The Promoter reserves the right to amend, modify, change, postpone, suspend or cancel this competition and any prizes (which have not yet been subject to a lucky draw), or any aspect thereof, without notice at any time, and for any reason which the Promoter reasonably deems necessary.
  5. The type, format, nature, and quantity of the prize(s) is at the Promoter’s discretion and could vary from month-to-month. The Promoter reserves the right to substitute prizes with any other prize(s). The Promoter, or any other party associated with IQBusiness Insights and the AfricanPulse community and competition, their associated companies, agents, contractors and sponsors and any personnel involved in AfricanPulse or the Lucky Draw, shall not be liable for any costs incurred by participants or winners for participation in the Lucky Draw or in claiming the prize.
  6. The following categories of persons are deemed to be ‘Disqualified Persons’ and are not eligible for participation in the Lucky Draw competitions:
    1. any employee, director, member, partner, agent or consultant or any person directly or indirectly who controls or is controlled by the Promoter and / or
    2. immediate family members of any employee, director, member, partner, agent or consultant of or person indirectly or directly in control of, or controlled by, the Promoter and / or
    3. the Promoter’s advertising agencies, advisers, dealers, suppliers and franchisees, its affiliates and/or associated companies.
  7. The AfricanPulse community operates as follows:
    1. Prospective community members will be invited to join the community and will qualify for the research community based on successful completion of a profiling questionnaire and provided that their profile meets the requisite criteria for the community. 
    2. Community members will then be invited to complete surveys, if selected in the community sample for a specific topic. 
    3. The community member will then be required to accurately complete the survey provided to them from the AfricanPulse community.
    4. At the end of each month, all community members who have successfully participated in at least 1 (one) research survey will automatically be entered into the Lucky Draw related to that particular survey during that specific month.
    5. For every research survey completed during a particular month, community members will receive 1 (one) entry into the Lucky Draw for the particular survey during that month in question (e.g. should a community member complete 2 (two) surveys during a calendar month, they will receive 2 (two) entries into the Lucky Draw for that particular month.
  8. The Lucky Draw is open to AfricanPulse community members aged 18 years or older who have completed at least 1 (one) market research survey during that calendar month. This Lucky Draw is not available to the directors, members, partners, promotional and advertising agents, merchandisers, employees or consultants of IQBusiness Insights, AfricanPulse or agencies and their immediate family members.
  9. Lucky Draws will take place on the last day of every month, provided that there was at least 1 (one) survey launched from the AfricanPulse community during that particular month. Should the last day of the month fall either on a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday in the Republic of South Africa, then such draw shall take place on the next succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday.
  10. Winners of prizes will be selected by way of a random selection draw, and the Promoter will notify each winner either telephonically or by way of e-mail. Contact will be made using the winning community member’s details as provided by him / her to join the AfricanPulse community. If, however, the winner(s) cannot be reached after three (3) contact attempts have been made during normal business hours within a period of seventy-two (72) hours, for any reason whatsoever, the prize will be forfeited, and another winner will be selected in accordance with the Competition Rules at the sole and absolute discretion of the Promoter.
  11. Winner(s) must be able to identify themselves in a manner determined by the Promoter, as the participant in the research survey.
  12. The Promoter reserves the right to withhold a prize(s) until it is satisfied that the claim by the winner(s) is valid. The Promoter may refuse to award the prize(s) if these Competition Rules have not been adhered to or if it detects any irregularities or fraudulent practices.
  13. Winner(s) will be advised on arrangements in respect of delivery / claiming of their prize(s), at the point at which they are informed that they are a winner.
  14. The prizes cannot be transferred or exchanged for its cash value.
  15. The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of entries and to disqualify any community member who is in breach of the rules. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights, at any stage, does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
  16. The Promoter’s decision regarding all matters relating to the Lucky Draws will be final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.
  17. All participants and the winners agree to make available to the Promoter their personal information (necessary for the purposes of the surveys and this competition) and agree that the Promotor may process such personal information in this regard. The AfricanPulse ‘Privacy Policy’ should be referenced in order to understand how personal information is collected, stored, and protected.
  18. By entering into the Lucky Draws, you acknowledge that we may request from you that we publish your name on Social Media channels (such as our AfricanPulse Facebook page) or on the AfricanPulse Community Hub if you are a prize winner.
  19. Written consent to use and publish the name(s) or photographs of prize winners on Social Media channels, or on the AfricanPulse Community Hub, will be obtained from the winner. The winner has the right to refuse consent and in such cases, their details will not be published.
  20. The Promoter is not liable for any guarantees or warranties associated with prizes or use of the prize(s), nor are they liable for any defect(s). All risks and ownership of the prize shall pass to the winner on transfer / delivery thereof and hence all the Promoter’s, or any other person’s or parties associated with the research survey and competition, obligations regarding the survey as well as regarding the prize, shall be terminated.
  21. All eligible participants and the winners, as the case may be, hereby indemnify the Promoter, its advertising agencies, advisers, nominated agents, suppliers and outlets, its affiliates and / or associated companies against any and all claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of and / or from their participation in any way howsoever in this promotional competition; including, as a result of any act or omission, whether as a result of negligence, misrepresentation, misconduct or otherwise on the part of the Promoter and / or use of the prizes.
  22. If required by the Minister for Trade and Industry, the Lotteries Board or for any other reason whatsoever, the Promoter will be entitled to terminate the Lucky Draws immediately without notice to entrants. In such an event, all entrants and / or winners hereby waive any rights which they may have against the Promoter.
  23. Neither the Promoter nor any other person or party associated with the research survey and competition, shall be responsible for any loss or misdirected entries, including entries that were not received, due to any failure of hardware, software, or other computer or technical systems.
  24. Should a community member have entered this competition, and no longer wishes to be included in the draw, they can opt-out of the competition by contacting
  25. A copy of these Competition Rules, the AfricanPulse Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Policy and can be obtained by contacting

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